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Kondenzátory z nanotrubek nahradí akumulátory

[ 1 ] Vložil: gro – 15.2.2006 23:58

Jednu nevyhodu vidim hned v jiste etericnosti (naznacene uz i nemoznosti vrstveni), coz muze mit dost neprijemny dusledek v nebezpecnosti.

Pri uvazovane uskladnene energii mnoha AH bude zkrat (lavinovy zkrat) zapricineny pripadnou mechanickou deformaci doslova osudovy, mozna nejen pro supermega kondenzator ale i pro uzivatele :-(.

Take si dovolim pochybovat o tom ze takove exoticke technologie budou nekdy levne, na to vim o moc "technomrtvolkach" ...

[ 2 ] Vložil: Martin – [ WWW ] – 16.2.2006 9:51

[1] Děkuji za zajímavý komentář. Je pravda, že nemožnost bezpečně od sebe izolovat elektrody, by byla velké bezpečnostní riziko. Takže pro praktické použití bude nutné tento problém nějak vyřešit, což asi bude nutná podmínka pro to, aby se z nanotrubkových kondenzátorů skutečně nestala "technomrtvolka".

[ 3 ] Vložil: Prokop Hapala – 16.2.2006 19:32

Co jsem zatim o tomhle cetl, pripadalo mi to velice slibne a vubec ne nerealne (povrchy pokryte kratkymi nanotrubkami zdaleka tak "exoticke" a nakladne nejsou) jenomze aplikaci jsem spise videl v buzeni zarizeni s velkym spickovym prikonem (napr. LASERy)

Z parametru, ktere jsem se zatim docetl jsem spocital odhad hustoty ulozeni energie radove 1000x mensi nez v chemickem palivu. (Coz neni myslim ani v rozporu s odhadem 20x mensi nez v akumulatoru tebou uvedeny). Pride mi to docela malo pro prenosne zarizeni

//bohuzel nemam uz predstavu z ceho a jak jsem to pocital takze to je jen tak placnute :)

[ 4 ] Vložil: Prokop Hapala – 16.2.2006 19:34

-mozna bych nemel tykat, to mi ujelo, omlouvam se

-zase sem si to po sobe neskontroloval

[ 5 ] Vložil: Martin – [ WWW ] – 16.2.2006 19:48

[4] Tykání jen vítám a děkuji za tradičně zajímavý komentář.

[ 6 ] Vložil: Stanley_B707 – [ WWW ] – 16.2.2006 20:16

Na uskladňovanie veľkého množstva energie sú už dávno vyvinuté "homopolárne generátory". Na jednej konferencii z Hajfy - Izrael, bol prepočet (nepamätám si už o koľko išlo MJ asi 2-3MJ) kde bežné olovené akumulátory dosahovali asi 1,2t u kondenzátorov sa hmotnosť uvádzala tiež v tonách (optimistický kondenzátor s kapacitou 1kJ/kg) a homopolárny generátor mal okolo 70kg (rozmer asi m3). Jednalo sa o riešenie napájania lineárneho elektromagnetického urýchľovača, kde boli vyžadované prúdy v jednotkách kA vo veľmi krátkom čase (menej ako 1s). Nevýhodou takéhoto zariadenia však je vyská stratovosť (pri dlhodobom skladovaní energie) avšak v prípade uvedenej aplikácie sa predpokladalo dlhé nabíjanie zo zdroja s malým výkonom (cca 20-25min) a viacmenej okamžité vybitie pre účely urýchlenia projektilov.

[ 7 ] Vložil: Prokop Hapala – 16.2.2006 22:15

jde tedy o zpusob vymeny energie se setrvacnikem

"worlds largest (500MJ)"

upozornuji ze ve spolubidliciho kofole je rozpusteno 1,4MJ/kg energie, a jeho kilo cukru obsahuje 17MJ

benzinu 40MJ a vodiku 120MJ :) s tim se tezko soutezi :)

Ale ono jde u tech kondenzatoru hlavne o jejich jednoduchost a flexibilu ovladani. napr. v PALS nebo u ceskeho tokamaku se pouzivaji taky kondenzatory.

[ 8 ] Vložil: Stanley_B707 – [ WWW ] – 17.2.2006 20:04

Nehovorím, že nemáte pravdu, ale až vivinieme nejaký konvertor elektrický prúd-cukor(uhľovodík)-elektrický prúd s rozumnou účinnosťou a hlavne rýchlosťou (narážam na palivové články) za rozumnú cenu, potom budeme môcť na starý dobrý Faradayov homopolárny diskový generátor s kľudom zabudnúť ako na prehistorický mechanický stroj. Čo sa týka kapacity v pomere ku veľkosti a hmotnosti si myslím, že HPG zatiaľ vedie aj keď všetko má svoje mínusy.

Použitie HPG má nesporné výhody v mobilnej technike (napr. elektrické granátomety) pre jeho jednoduchosť a malú hmotnosť.

[ 9 ] Vložil: Prokop Hapala – 18.2.2006 20:29

Pokud bych se zameril na vami uvadene vojenske aplikace (uznavam ze jsou dobrym prikladem mobilni techniky s extremnim spickovym prikonem). Chcete odpalit projektil urcitou rychlosti (dejme tomu podkaliberni projektil 5kg, 1700m/s, 7MJ, delka 500mm, penetrace 800mm) potom by jste napr. potreboval roztocit setrvacnik tvaru prstence stejne hmotnosti na stejnou rychlost (zidealizovane). Pri prumeru 1m by na nej pusobyly sily vetsi nez na projektil pri pruchodu ocelovym cilem. Samozdrejme se da u tanku ocekavat napr. setrvacnik hmotnosti 700kg ktery podle vasich udaju umozni priblizne vystrel 1-2 projektilu dvojnasovne energie male hmotnosti a velke rychlosti nedosazitelne chemickou cestou (odpovidajici hmotnost streliviny je 10-20kg asi 10% ucinost). Pokud by nabijeni spotrebovalo polovinu vykonu 1MW motoru pak by trvalo okolo jedne minuty. To vse pri nepravdepodobne 100% ucinosti. Vyhody oproti chemickým strelivinam (napr experimentalnim kapalnym slozim) mi nepripadaji priliz presvedcive. I kdyz me samotnemu railgun a gaussgun pripadaji take velmi zajimave. V souvislosti s tim je dobre zamyslet se take nad moznostmi koncove akcelerace pomoci zuzujici se hlavne nebo kombinace vlastnosti kanonu a smerove naloze.

Dale jsou zajimave moznosti nanotechnologie - molekularni pruziny (poly-helicen, zkorucena nanotrubka). Deformacni energie vazby muze dosahovat energie srovnatelne s vazebnou energii (uvazujme napr. C-C 348KJ/mol, deformacni energie dejme tomu 10KJ/mol). Takova pruzina by pak byla schopna akumulovat ~1MJ/Kg a uvolnit ho okamzite primo mechanicky. Samozdrejme takova pruzina by byla napnuta napetim az v radech GPa. Mozna by to znamenalo reinkarnaci luku :)

[ 10 ] Vložil: Milan Vandrovec – 2.4.2006 6:11

Obávám se, že naděje projevené v tomto článku jsou patrně liché. Hlavní problém kondenzátorů je dielektrikum, nikoli elektrody. Pár výpočtů, snad nejsou úplně z cesty:

[C=kapacita, S=plocha desek, d=vzdálenost, U=napětí, A=energie, eps=permitivita dielektrika, pev=elektrická pevnost diel.)

A=1/2 C U^2

C=eps S/d

U=pev d


A=1/2 eps pev^2 S d

eps a pev jsou dány materiálem, S * d je objem kondenzátoru (za předpokladu zanedbatelně tenkých desek). Rovněž energie na kilogram závisí na materiálu dielektrika.

Materiál elektrody tedy prakticky nemá na vlastnosti kondenzátoru vliv.

[ 11 ] Vložil: Martin – [ WWW ] – 2.4.2006 9:28

[10] Výpočet je zcela správně, ale platí pro dvě rovnoběžné desky. Nanotrubkový povrch sledovaný na úrovni nanometrů jimi nelze nahradit, proto také zmínka v článku o obtížném modelování "lesu" nanotrubek v kondenzátoru. Nanotrubky dokáží při nezměněním objemu kondenzátoru zvětšit účinnou plochu, ale elektrické pole se stane složitějším.

[ 12 ] Vložil: Milan Vandrovec – 2.4.2006 16:38

[11] Vtip je v tom, že nakonec z dielektrika zůstane v tom vzorečku jenom objem. Tloušťkou/plochou dielektrika lze měnit maximální napětí, ale energie zůstává.

Pokud jde o ten tvar pole, tak už jsem sice nějakou dobu ze školy, ale co si pamatuji, tak každá odchylka od rovinných desek je k horšímu. Intuitivně to lze říci tak, že placatý kondenzátor má homogenní pole, takže využívá dielektrikum ve všech místech maximálně. Tím pádem každý jiný tvar musí dielektrikem v některém místě plýtvat (nevyužívá celou elektrickou pevnost).

Jedině snad že by dielektrikum při tloušťce několika atomů začalo mít zvláštní chování, ale obávám (domnívám) se, že to bude opět jenom k horšímu - elektrony začnou tunelovat a máme drát místo kondenzátoru.

[ 13 ] Vložil: Martin – [ WWW ] – 3.4.2006 16:33

[12] Až teď jsem si uvědomil na co narážíš a že máš úplnou pravdu. Děkuji za trpělivost. Asi bych měl cvičně vypočítat objem takového ideálního deskového kondenzátoru pro max. napětí 3 V a pak uvidím, zda nanotrubky jen efektivně využijí teoretickou kapacitu kondenzátoru, nebo se uplatňuje jev, o kterém nic nevím, a pak by jedna část článku postrádala zcela smysl.

[ 14 ] Vložil: Prokop Hapala – 9.4.2006 19:49

No ono jde o to ze kondenzatory nelze vyrabet jen podle vzorce A=1/2 eps pev^2 S d

protoze kdyz by se vzalo nejake skvele dielektrikum s obrovskou pevnosti jako tlusty kvadr musely by se pak resit jeste dva problemy:

1]Vsechny obvody, prepinace, izolatory by musely mit prinejmensim stejnou pevnost (tloustku) jako onen blok dielektrika

2]Napeti nekolika tisic ne li milionu voltu se pro vetsinu aplikaci nehodi, uvazovane auto by muselo mit patricne tranformatory ... a taky by to bylo dost nebezpecne

-Proto se vyrabeji kondenzatory s co nejvetsi kapacitou..a ta je pri danem objemu odpovida S^2

[ 15 ] Vložil: Zdenek Pavlas – 5.10.2006 17:05

Hmm, a energetická hustota zase odpovídá U^2.. Kondenzátor s napětím 2.5V je celkem k ničemu, potřebuje měděné kabely tlusté jak palec, navíc pro regulaci bude potřeba nějaký PWM, a nízké napětí se bude spínat s ohromnými ztrátami..

Praktická napětí jsou 100-500V, taková používají současné (akumulátorové) elektromobily. Honda používá 144V, Toyota 276V.

[ 16 ] Vložil: Lubos Jankovic – 30.12.2006 21:19

Potencionalne zaujimave aplikacie sa skryvaju aj v pripade uhlikovych nanotrubiciek plnenych urcitymi kovmi , oxidmi kovov , magetickych materialov a tiez aj farmakologicky aktivnymi latkami.

[ 17 ] Vložil: Martin – [ WWW ] – 31.12.2006 11:21

[16] Děkuji za zajímavý odkaz, škoda jen, že momentálně není daný text volně přístupný.

[ 18 ] Vložil: TyGlorb – [ WWW ] – 14.8.2019 13:21 Ěîńęâŕ Đĺěîíň ęâŕđňčđ

[ 19 ] Vložil: johnan – [ WWW ] – 27.8.2020 2:31

ZzCF1T hi guys

[ 20 ] Vložil: we just did 46 hat – [ WWW ] – 15.3.2021 1:53

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[ 21 ] Vložil: fathor shirt – [ WWW ] – 20.3.2021 1:40

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[ 22 ] Vložil: Kara Salvatori – [ WWW ] – 6.5.2021 16:33

Link exchange is nothing else except it is simply placing the other person's webpage link on your page at proper place and other person will also do same in support of you.|

[ 23 ] Vložil: XRumerTest – 8.8.2022 19:59

Hello. And Bye.

[ 25 ] Vložil: Ablissatus – [ WWW ] – 10.8.2022 2:14

The part in Star Wars where Yoda says, There is do, or do not.

Honesty is the best policy.

Other Common Examples of Aphorisms

It originated from Lady Mary Montgomerie Currie’s poem Tout vient a qui sait attendre.

It’s time.

Are you in.

Do you believe that a penny saved is a penny earned.

Another aphorism that’s adapted is, Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

The part in Star Wars where Yoda says, There is do, or do not.

We’ve all probably had to learn that the hard way.

Shifting gears a little, let’s talk about one of the world’s greatest aphorists – Benjamin Franklin.

Not so much.

Your stories can benefit from this method too.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Repeat after me.

This famous motto highlights the truism that life is full of ups and downs.

[ 26 ] Vložil: Ablissatus – [ WWW ] – 10.8.2022 12:40

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

He once stated, It is better to be alone than in bad company.

Want a few more.

The Purpose & Function of Aphorism

For example.

Practice what you preach.

Take this proverb, for example.

Because let’s face it, perseverance is the key to success in life.

Opportunities don’t happen.

This aphorism is short and sweet, but it teaches us a valuable truth.

He once stated, If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.

Not so much.

Not only that, but you can use aphorisms in your writing to summarize your central theme.

But not today.

Proverbs, on the other hand, can be much longer than aphorisms and adages.

It reminds us to take precautionary measures, so we don’t end up with bad results.

[ 28 ] Vložil: AnistonAgece – [ WWW ] – 17.8.2022 14:35

The original dictum said, A penny spar’d is twice got, but it’s adapted over the years for modern English.

George Washington is known for his wise sayings.

Aphorism Examples in Everyday Speech

Shifting gears a little, let’s talk about one of the world’s greatest aphorists – Benjamin Franklin.

Not good.

For example.

Are you in.

If you do, you agree with George Herbert’s famous aphorism from his book, Outlandish Proverbs.

Examples of Aphorisms for Success

What am I referring to.

Washington also said, It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.

Finally, Actions speak louder than words is another classic example.

Let’s talk about that.

Aphoristic statements also appear in everyday life, such as daily speeches made by politicians and leaders.

Are you in.

It’s a great saying, but it’s not something you’d necessarily repeat over the dinner table.

[ 29 ] Vložil: AlexisVar – [ WWW ] – 18.8.2022 2:14

Guy standing at a bookshelf

Examples of Aphorisms for Success

See for yourself.

We’ve all probably had to learn that the hard way.

Other Common Examples of Aphorisms

Not so much.

Give it a try!

What is an Aphorism.

Take this proverb, for example.

Don’t count on things that haven’t happened yet because something unexpected could occur.

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

Napoleon Bonaparte could relate.

That’s not what you expected, was it.

This quote came from Wales, first appearing in an 1866 publication.

Build a storyline around that saying.

Practice what you preach.

[ 30 ] Vložil: Raymondtuh – [ WWW ] – 18.8.2022 11:13

It’s a great saying, but it’s not something you’d necessarily repeat over the dinner table.

Better safe than sorry is a piece of wisdom from Samuel Lover’s book, Rory O’More.

He played the villain in the movie that famously stated.

Yup, you guessed it.

The origins of this saying are open for debate, but it’s primarily attributed to Abraham Lincoln.

But these days.

Not only that, but you can use aphorisms in your writing to summarize your central theme.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

But, the aphorism is short and sweet.

Fall seven times, stand up eight.

Take a look.

Life is too short to surround yourself with toxic people.

He’s earned that title because he’s authored dozens of aphorisms.

But these days.

Your stories can benefit from this method too.

But not today.

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Take in the following knowledge. It's a lot to learn, but it's so worth it! There is nothing wrong with getting advice about fashion if it helps you improve how you look.

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Nice kicks have always been the focus of the fashion circle. These shoes come in a variety of styles and colors, making them easy to match with any outfit. Pair it with a pair of casual pants, a simple T-shirt, and nice kicks, and your outfit will be full of energy and fashion.

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Nice kicks have always been the darling of the fashion circle. These shoes have unique designs and come in a variety of colors to suit every occasion. Pair it with a pair of casual pants, a simple top, and nice kicks to instantly show off your trendy style.

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|Coloring your hair at summertime is a good way to add some fashion to your ensemble. Make sure, however, that you do what's necessary to maintain the health of your hair. Spend the money on a solid conditioning treatment meant for colored hair, and use it religiously to keep your color pure and your hair looking healthy.

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Athleisure Style: Combine joggers with a cropped hoodie and fashionable sneakers for an athleisure-inspired look. Layer with a utility jacket and accessorize with a baseball cap for a sporty, on-the-go style that's both comfortable and trendy.

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Boho-Chic Festival Attire: Embrace bohemian vibes with a flowy maxi skirt and a crochet top, styled with lace-up gladiator sandals. Layer with a kimono, accessorize with layered necklaces and a wide-brimmed hat for a relaxed, music-festival-ready outfit.

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Although the main purpose of sports shoes is sports, it is not impossible to combine a variety of styles. For example, Song Hye Kyo wears it with a suit and a feminine skirt, balancing the sweetness and highlighting her capable and elegant temperament.

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The most obvious characteristic of little cuties who like to wear neutral styles is their cold tones, and most of their clothing items are mainly black, white and gray. So if you are a cutie who loves neutral styles, then choose solid colors. Sneakers, such as classic black and white, have a simple design and clean colors, which are more in line with the personality of a neutral girl. The impeccable sense of fashion and simplicity makes solid color sneakers more versatile.

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The shirt is particularly popular in spring. It can be paired with a skirt or jeans. You can also follow the example of bloggers who use shirts with loose wide-leg pants and sneakers. It is simple and casual, and full of neutral style. , inadvertently embodying a sense of high-end.

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The combination of red high heels and silver handbags adds highlights to dinners or parties. The bright color of red high heels and the gloss of silver handbags complement each other, and the overall look is fashionable and eye-catching. This combination is suitable for various formal occasions, allowing you to show your style under the lights.

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Brown ankle boots with a brown clutch are the best choice for autumn and winter. The warm brown tone makes you look softer in the cold season, and it can also add a sense of layering and texture to the overall look, which is very suitable for women who like retro style.

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The combination of brown short boots and beige crossbody bags is suitable for autumn and winter. Brown short boots have a strong retro atmosphere, and the combination with beige crossbody bags shows a warm and elegant style. This combination is not only warm, but also maintains a sense of fashion in cold seasons, suitable for daily travel or social activities.

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Brown ankle boots with a brown clutch are the best choice for autumn and winter. The warm brown tone makes you look softer in the cold season, and it can also add a sense of layering and texture to the overall look, which is very suitable for women who like retro style.

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Silver high-heeled sandals with a silver clutch create a gorgeous dinner style. The combination of silver shine and the coolness of sandals can make you the focus at summer dinners, which is very suitable for women who like luxury style.

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The combination of black Chelsea boots and gray messenger bags is suitable for autumn and winter. The simple design of black Chelsea boots and the combination of gray messenger bags form a harmonious color contrast, showing an elegant style. This combination is suitable for daily travel or social activities, allowing you to show a sense of fashion while staying comfortable.

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The combination of black Chelsea boots and gray crossbody bags is suitable for autumn and winter seasons. The simple design of the black Chelsea boots and the gray messenger bag form a harmonious color contrast, showing an elegant style. This combination is very suitable for daily travel or social activities, allowing you to stay comfortable and fashionable in the cold season.

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The combination of black sneakers and gray tote bags adds comfort and fashion to daily wear. Black sneakers are wear-resistant and versatile, while gray tote bags provide enough storage space while showing a simple style. This combination is very suitable for daily travel or weekend shopping, allowing you to maintain a sense of fashion in a comfortable state.

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Gold high heels with a gold chain bag are a luxurious and atmospheric dinner match. The gold high heels add height and temperament, and the chain bag adds a sense of refinement to the overall shape, which is very suitable for showing personal nobility and elegance in formal occasions.

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|If you have black jeans, you can add a dressy shirt and heels to make them appropriate for evening attire. If you are wearing colored jeans, make sure that you are not going to a formal event.

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|Options simply abound in fashionable hair accessories. You can choose from lots of options, including headbands, scrunchies, bows, barrettes and extensions. Your wardrobe should include several hair accessories. You can match your scrunchy to the color you're wearing, for instance. A night out calls for the perfect matching headband.

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[ 191 ] Vložil: tikick sneakers – [ WWW ] – 4.10.2024 9:51

Urban Casual: Combine distressed jeans with a loose tee and stylish sneakers for a chic city look. Layer with a bomber jacket and accessorize with a crossbody bag for an edgy yet comfortable ensemble, perfect for urban outings.

[ 192 ] Vložil: askick ru shoes – [ WWW ] – 4.10.2024 9:51

Summer Day Outing: Opt for a sundress and complement it with espadrille wedges for a fresh and breezy summer look. Carry a straw tote bag and wear oversized sunglasses for a chic daytime outfit perfect for picnics or beach strolls.

[ 193 ] Vložil: comfy kicks – [ WWW ] – 4.10.2024 22:28

Office Elegance: Opt for a tailored pencil skirt and a blouse, finishing the ensemble with classic pumps for a sophisticated office look. Accessorize with a statement necklace and a structured handbag for a polished appearance.

[ 194 ] Vložil: tikick ru shoes – [ WWW ] – 4.10.2024 22:28

It wouldn!—t be summer without florals. The rich French style can make the style highly recognizable. After all, the styles of floral skirts are also quite rich, such as the choice between long and short styles, floral textures, and color depths. For girls whose skin is not fair enough, it is not recommended to try dark-colored floral skirts. Try to choose light colors, which is convenient for choosing sports shoes.

[ 195 ] Vložil: comfy kicks – [ WWW ] – 4.10.2024 22:28

Athletic Chic: Combine joggers with a cropped hoodie and stylish sneakers for an athleisure-inspired look. Layer with a bomber jacket and accessorize with a baseball cap for a sporty yet fashionable style suited for various activities.

[ 196 ] Vložil: tikick ru – [ WWW ] – 4.10.2024 22:28

The safest and low-key way to wear pants and shoes is to wear pants and shoes of the same color. Wear dark, close-fitting nine-point pants and dark sneakers (or even canvas shoes) to reduce the sporty feel by wearing a uniform color. .

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